Ink the tattoo design after working on the tattoo drawing awhile.
Kimberley says the tattoos have ruined her life
The gun tattoo.
She had the tattoo done in Italian, and it's misspelled.
Anatomical heart tattoo submitted by David Cundy. It looks like the tattoo
Click here for a scan of the tattoo. In late 2000, the tattoo increased,
"I love the place, but I got [the tattoo] on a dare," says Winchester,
The Tattoo Project · Tattoo Ideas · Before & After.
Portrait taken at the Tattoo Convention Amsterdam 2007
The tattoo, picture left, is meant to convey the love only a Maroon can have
The tattoo
Here's where you decide what part of the tattoo will remain real.
Friday, January 14, 2011
the tattoo
About brodira
Author Description here.. Nulla sagittis convallis. Curabitur consequat. Quisque metus enim, venenatis fermentum, mollis in, porta et, nibh. Duis vulputate elit in elit. Mauris dictum libero id justo.